District Elections 2023
District Elections:
Now that the nominations are closed it is great to see that there is strong interest and participation in the upcoming election for District Chair, Vice Chair, and Health & Safety roles. These positions are crucial for representing the membership and ensuring that their voices are heard over the next three years.
It's excellent to hear that there are multiple highly qualified candidates running for these important leadership positions. The elected leaders will begin their three-year term on November 1, 2023, which provides a clear timeline for when their responsibilities and duties will commence.
I wish all the candidates the best of luck in the election process, and I hope that the chosen leaders will work diligently to represent and serve the membership effectively over the next three years. It's an exciting time for Unifor Local 2002, and I'm sure the elected leaders will make valuable contributions during their term.
RUN OFF Election:
During the tri-annual convention for Local 2002, held last May, the delegates voted to adopt a new election process for all future elections. It's important for members to understand how the process works so that you can effectively exercise your rights. Elections now require a minimum of 50% + 1 (a majority) for a candidate to win to ensure that the winning candidate has the support of the majority of voters.
This means if we have multiple candidates and none of them get over 50% of votes, we move to runoff elections between the top two candidates. This is to help ensure that the ultimate winner has the support of a majority.
Here is a short video that explains run off elections:
Candidates and Acclaimed Candidates:
Here is the link where the lists of Candidates and Acclaimed Candidates will be posted.
I would like to congratulate all the acclaimed candidates from the Central Region!
You must be registered to vote with a personal email (Non AC e-mail)
To reach a member of Local 2002 Elections Committee, please contact:
Tel: 1-888-226-8885 Ext: 284 | elections@unifor2002.org
Manon Camiré - Chairperson
Nadine Bailey - Member
Astraea Sam - Member
Bilingual vs Route Language
In the Collective Agreement under LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING NO. 6 (LOU 6) – LANGUAGE, the minimum required number of bilingual (French and English) employees within the Customer Sales and Service (CES) classification is defined by base and location.
LOU 6 also defines Route Language as meaning any other language that the company deems necessary to provide service to our customers for example German, Dutch, Hindi, etc based on routes the airline operates from that location (airports) or in the case of the contact centres the route network.
Article 3 (Reservations of Management) and LOU6 allows the company to determine what location/start times and how many lines will be designated bilingual bid lines for each bid.
The current bid before D301 is designed within the parameters of the Collective Agreement. Changes in the terms of the Collective Agreement on this or any other items are possible in the next round of bargaining. Please make sure to join proposal meetings and make your voice heard.