Explanation of Pay Details Report (Code 36, 37 and 38):
Currently two lines are incorrectly displayed in hours (Code 36 CAW Sick hours) & Code 38 (CAW GIDIP Bank Hours). The company is aware of this issue and working to have it corrected with a change in the IT systems for early next year. The company has also indicated they are working on a new payroll system to launch in 2024.
Until this is corrected, to receive your correct number of days remaining in each line; you must either call HR at 1-833-847-3675 or email people.employes@aircanada.ca from your company email.
Full Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for Sick Days: https://www.unifor2002.org/UNF/files/38/381d246e-9731-48d5-b469-49e57659b94d.pdf
Code 36: CAW Sick hours Counter: Currently displayed in hours; however, will be in days once corrected in 2024.
Code 37: CAW Sick Legacy Bank Hours: This is the only Code that will remain in hours and will be used by the hour. This only applies to you if you were hired before 2003.
Code 38: CAW GIDIP Bank Hours: Currently incorrectly displayed in hours with a MAX of 112 hours. Once corrected, this will be displayed in days to a MAX of 14 days.
The “CAW Sick Legacy Bank Hours” (Code 37) goes back to 2003 and the CCAA restructuring collective bargaining. Anyone hired after 2003 will not have a Code 37 “Legacy Bank.”
Sick leave for Unifor members works by way of 3 banks that are used in the following sequence (Point 10 on MOA) and can be found on the Pay Details Report:
● Code 36: CAW Sick Hours Counter: This one is the regular sick counter that is replenished on January 1st of each year. Currently showing 80 hours, on January 1st (for Full Time), which should be the 10 Paid Sick days. (Point 7 on MOA)
● Code 38: CAW GIDIP Bank Hours: This counter will absorb any untaken hours (days in new system) from accrual of Code 36, on December 31st of each year, up to a maximum of 112 hours (or 14 days in the new system). Code 38 will only be used when employees reach GIDIP and will cover their sick days during the 7 day waiting period. (Point 9 on MOA)
● Code 37: CAW Sick Legacy Bank Hours: This accrual holds legacy hours from previous tenures and will be used only when Code 36 & Code 38 is depleted during the GIDIP only waiting period. This Code will disappear with time as it is not granted to any new employees hired after 2003. (Points 10c & 12 on MOA)
Family Responsibility Hours:
● Your 48 hours (for Full Time) hours will not be displayed on the Pay Details Report until the new payroll system is launched in 2024 (exact date TBD). To receive your correct number of FR hours remaining; you must either call HR at 1-833-847-3675 or email people.employes@aircanada.ca from your company email.
● The new Family Responsibility Leave hours will replace both the Family Care Days (as described in Article 11.09.01 of our collective agreement) and the “Federal Family Responsibility days”, so that instead of 3 paid days (FR), you will have a single allotment of Family Responsibility Hours which can be used for any of the reasons listed under the federal Family Responsibility code (see link).
Bargaining Committee bulletin regarding FR and 10 Paid Sick Days:
District Elections:
Congratulations to the newly elected Unifor Leaders that will take office on November 1, 2023.
From the Central Region the District Chairs are:
Round 1 results:
Round 2 results:
Round 3 election/results:
Congratulations to the newly elected Vice-Chair and Health and Safety leader roles within our union! It's indeed a testament to the strength and unity of our Union when so many members are willing to step up and contribute to helping improve our workplace.
There are still elections taking place in YTO-RES for Health and Safety and a runoff for Vice Chair positions. Good luck to all candidates.
Outgoing District Chairs and Vice-Chairs:
On behalf of the membership from the central region I would like to thank Satya Singh DC D300-YTO-RES and Sheila Fardy DC D301 YYZ-ARPT, along with all the Vice Chairs for their hard work and dedication. THANK YOU!
Roles and Responsibilities of the District Chair & Vice Chair can be found in Local 2002 Bylaws on page 33, under Article 5, Section 7 for District Representatives: